Stephen's Videos


Fanatic NewWave 69 with Gaastra Manic 4.7m²

Silverknowes, Friday 15 June 2007.

This is me, windsurfing at Silverknowes, on Friday 15 June 2007. Click Video

File size: 582 KB.

The board is my Fanatic NewWave 69L, 2006. Sail is Gaastra Manic 4.7m²

Tide was coming in. There were larger waves further out.

Many thanks to Robin Main for the video.

F2 Guerilla Wave with Gaastra Manic 4.7m²

Gullane, Saturday 5 September 2009.

Me again, windsurfing at Gullane, on Saturday 05 September 2009.

Large file 8.29 MB

Smaller file 322 KB

The board is my F2 Guerilla Wave 68L. Sail is Gaastra Manic 4.7m²

Many thanks to Cara.
